Now for the final review in the 2015 Lay’s Do Us a Flavour line up. It’s been an interesting year so far for flavours.  How is the Montreal Smoked Meat Chip in all this?  Read on to find out. Share This Review:

The second Lay’s Do Us A Flavour we are reviewing is the P.E.I. Scallop Potatoes.  I am a potatoe scallop fan myself, goes great with a nice ham dinner.  Mmmm-mmmm.  Anyways, Lay’s had this to say about em’: Flavour Inspiration Inspired by Atlantic Canada’s reputation for potato cultivation, one of Jordan Cairns’ fondest memories of […]

So Lay’s Do Us A Flavour promotion is back in Canada!  Finalists have been picked and chips are on store shelves.  Rejoice new chip fans!  We will be featuring a review of a new flavour each day this week, so check back. The first Lay’s Do Us A Flavour review we will be doing is […]